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Pronoun Agreement and Reference Quiz


As a copy editor, one of the most common mistakes that I see in writing is incorrect pronoun agreement. Pronouns are words that are used to replace nouns, and they must agree in number, gender, and person with the nouns they are replacing. Pronoun agreement is essential in clear and effective communication, and it can impact the meaning and clarity of the sentence.

To help you test your knowledge of pronoun agreement, I’ve compiled a short quiz. Read each sentence carefully and choose which pronoun agreement or reference is correct.

1. Everyone brought (his/his or her) own lunch.

Correct answer: his or her

Explanation: The indefinite pronoun “everyone” is singular, so it needs a singular pronoun to refer to it. The correct choice here is “his or her” to include gender neutrality.

2. Each of the students scored (his/their) highest in math.

Correct answer: their

Explanation: The pronoun “each” is singular, but the noun “students” is plural. We need to use a plural pronoun “their” to refer to the plural noun.

3. The friends went to the concert, and (they/it) was amazing.

Correct answer: it

Explanation: The antecedent of the pronoun “it” is the singular noun “concert,” so we need to use a singular pronoun.

4. Martha and (her/she) brother are coming to dinner.

Correct answer: her

Explanation: “Martha and her brother” is a compound subject. We need to choose the pronoun that matches the subject closer to it which is “her”.

5. The dog chewed up (its/it’s) toy.

Correct answer: its

Explanation: “Its” is a possessive pronoun and shows the possession of the subject. “It’s” is a contraction of “it is,” which is not correct in this sentence.

In conclusion, pronoun agreement and reference are crucial elements of effective writing. Keeping them in mind while writing can help to convey the exact meaning of a sentence. So, it’s essential to practice pronoun agreement rules and to check for accuracy during the editing process. Keep in mind that even the most experienced writers can make these mistakes, so it’s always a good idea to double-check your work.