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Sample Indemnity Agreements


As businesses grow, they often enter into agreements with other parties to mitigate risks associated with a wide range of activities. One of the most common types of agreements is the indemnity agreement, which protects one party from legal or financial liability resulting from the actions of another.

A sample indemnity agreement typically outlines the terms and conditions of the indemnified party’s protection, including the scope of coverage, any limitations or exclusions, and how indemnification will be provided in the event of a claim. Here are a few important aspects to consider when drafting an indemnity agreement.

Scope of Coverage

The scope of coverage in an indemnity agreement should be clear and specific. It should clearly outline the types of actions or events that are covered under the indemnity agreement. This will help both parties know what to expect if there is a claim or incident that could trigger indemnification.

For example, if a company hires a contractor to perform work on their property and the contractor causes damage to the property, the indemnity agreement might provide coverage for the cost of repairs. However, if the damage is caused by a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or flood, the indemnity agreement may not apply.

Limitations and Exclusions

Indemnity agreements may have limitations or exclusions that define what is not covered. For example, an indemnity agreement may exclude coverage for claims arising from the intentional acts of the indemnified party or for damages greater than a certain amount. These limitations should be clearly stated in the agreement to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes.

Indemnification Process

An indemnity agreement should also specify how indemnification will be provided in the event of a claim. This may include a requirement for the indemnified party to provide notice of a claim within a certain period of time, a description of the process for evaluating and settling a claim, and any deadlines associated with the process.


In conclusion, a well-drafted sample indemnity agreement is essential for any business that wants to avoid risks and protect themselves from potential losses. By clearly outlining the scope of coverage, limitations and exclusions, and the indemnification process, both parties can be confident in their agreement and avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes. It is always recommended to consult with a legal professional for proper legal advice and drafting of indemnity agreements.