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Subject Verb Agreement Google Form


Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of grammar that is often overlooked, but it has significant implications for your Google Forms. When you create Google Forms, one of the critical factors that determine the success of your form is how well you communicate with your audience. And subject-verb agreement is a crucial component of effective communication.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement is the concept that the verb must agree with the subject in number, person, and tense. In other words, the verb you use must match the subject of the sentence in terms of the number of people or things involved, whether it is singular or plural, and whether it is in the past, present, or future tense.

Why is subject-verb agreement important in Google Forms?

Google Forms are used to collect information from users, and the language used in the form can affect how people perceive it. If the subject and verb do not agree, the form can be difficult to understand and may lead to confusion. Additionally, any errors in your forms can negatively impact your SEO because Google`s algorithm penalizes websites for poor grammar and spelling.

Tips for achieving proper subject-verb agreement in Google Forms

1. Use the same tense: Ensure that the tense of the subject and verb match. For instance, if you`re referring to something that happened in the past, use the past tense.

2. Be mindful of plural and singular subjects: If your subject is singular, the verb should be singular as well. If your subject is plural, then the verb should be plural too.

3. Keep track of collective nouns: Collective nouns like “team,” “family,” or “class” can be either singular or plural, depending on the context. For example, if you`re talking about the entire team`s performance, then the verb should be plural. However, if you`re talking about the team as one unit, then the verb should be singular.

4. Watch out for indefinite pronouns: Indefinite pronouns like “anyone,” “someone,” or “everyone” are singular, and the verb should also be singular.

5. Pay attention to compound subjects: A compound subject is made up of two or more subjects that are joined by a conjunction such as “and” or “or.” If the subjects in your sentence are joined by “and,” you should use a plural verb. If they are joined by “or,” you should use a singular verb.


Subject-verb agreement is essential in creating effective Google Forms. By following these tips, you can ensure that your forms are easy to understand and free of grammar errors. Proper subject-verb agreement will not only enhance the user experience but also help in improving your SEO ranking.