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What Would Constitute an Unnecessarily Broad Non Compete Agreement


When it comes to non-compete agreements, businesses and employees alike need to tread carefully. On the one hand, companies want to protect their investments, intellectual property, and confidential information. On the other hand, employees want to protect their career options and livelihood.

However, not all non-compete agreements were created equal. Some agreements may be unnecessarily broad, potentially restricting an employee`s ability to work in their industry or even their ability to earn a living. So, what would constitute an unnecessarily broad non-compete agreement? Let`s take a look:

1. Geographic Scope

Non-compete agreements typically specify a geographic scope, dictating how far a former employee can work from their former employer`s business location. However, an unnecessarily broad non-compete agreement may cover a wide geographic area that doesn`t make sense for the employee`s role, such as an entire state or region.

2. Time Frame

Similarly, non-compete agreements should specify a reasonable timeframe for how long a former employee is prohibited from working for a competitor. However, an unnecessarily broad agreement may dictate an excessively long period, such as several years, which could severely limit an employee`s career prospects.

3. Scope of Activity

A non-compete agreement should be limited to the specific area of the business in which the employee worked and any directly related areas. However, an unnecessarily broad agreement may prohibit an employee from working in any capacity or industry related to the company`s business, which could be overly restrictive and limit their earning potential.

4. Enforceability

Lastly, an unnecessarily broad non-compete agreement may be unenforceable due to its overreaching nature. Courts often consider the overall reasonableness of the agreement, including its geographic scope, time frame, and scope of activity, to determine if it crosses the line and unduly restricts an employee`s ability to work.

In conclusion, non-compete agreements should strike a balance between protecting a company`s interests and allowing employees to work and earn a living. An unnecessarily broad agreement could put undue strain on the employee-employer relationship and risk legal challenges. As such, businesses should work with experienced legal counsel to draft reasonable and enforceable non-compete agreements that meet their specific needs without needlessly restricting their employees` careers.